2018: Our Best Intentions

February 6, 2018

Bonjour, mes amis!

I'm beginning this year in my favorite place in the world: Paris. The epicenter of art, fashion, food and those gorgeous French accents.

The city where, when I first visited it 23 years ago, I learned to experience pleasure in the smallest of things. Slowly sipping an espresso (or champagne!) at an outdoor café. Long strolls along the Seine. Soaking up the cool blue of the Paris sky early in the morning and again in the evening.

The French do not rush. And neither should we. Life is short, but we can lengthen each day and achieve the life we deserve if we can just slow ourselves down and truly appreciate what's right in front of us.

And that's why I wanted to start 2018 in Paris. It's the perfect place to ground myself in my intention to live each day fully present and fully thankful.

I'm interested in hearing how you intend to live each day – and I have an invitation for you. I've created a 2018 Best Year Intentions worksheet to help us ensure that we've started the year on the right foot – and that we'll end the year exactly the way we want.

Click HERE to download the worksheet

I invite you to return your completed worksheet to me, and I'll check in with you during the summer to see how your intentions are going and what, if anything, is holding you back.

Every step we take forward in our lives creates its own magnificence and significance. Let's all take a step forward together as we notice and appreciate the beauty and simplicity around us.

Avec affection,



Charmaine McClarie

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